Navicat Blog

A Guide to Refreshing Test Data Oct 30, 2020 by Robert Gravelle

The periodic reverting of database instances to a baseline dataset is a common practice in development and test environments. Case in point, the office where I work does so on a regular basis, whenever data diverges too much from the baseline. This is required because developers and automated tests expect the data to be of a certain quantity and quality. There is no right way to overwrite table contents, so you should choose an option based on your organization's particular goals and circumstances. In today's blog, I'll share what we do where I work as well as my standard process at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

All About ORDINAL_POSITION Oct 23, 2020 by Robert Gravelle

In relational databases, including MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, and others, the ORDINAL_POSITION refers to a column's location in terms of ordering within a table or query output. In today's blog, we'll learn how to use ordinal positioning to present columns in our preferred order, using Navicat Premium as our database client.

What Is Ransomware and Why You Should Be Concerned Oct 20, 2020 by Robert Gravelle

Ransomware attacks are nothing new. In fact, the first known ransomware virus was created in 1989! So why bring them up now? While the frequency of ransomware attacks has fluctuated over the years, recent statistics show that ransomware attacks rose significantly in frequency in 2019 and won't be letting up any time soon. For that reason, you should know what ransomware attacks are, how they work, and how best to deter malicious entities from targeting your organization. And that is exactly what you'll learn here today!

Filtering Dates by Month Oct 14, 2020 by Robert Gravelle

Months can be notoriously difficult to work with due to a variety of factors, including their variability in length. To make database developers' jobs easier, most relational databases (DBMS) offer functions such as MONTH() and MONTHNAME(). These two functions are great for grouping results by month and for displaying their values. In today's blog, we'll learn how to use specialized SQL functions for working with months.

Achieving Lightning Fast Query Response Time in MySQL 8 Oct 9, 2020 by Robert Gravelle

Behind the slick User Interface (UI) of modern web applications, there are asynchronous services fetching data from the database with a multitude of objectives, including loading drop-downs, populating data tables, Synchronizing components, and many others. Any lagging of the back-end processes will be perceived by the user as a slow or even a non-responsive application. This in turn degrades the user experience and sours their opinion of your application. For that reason, it is imperative that you whittle down your query response time to the lowest feasible value. In many cases, this means measuring query turn-around in hundreds of a second, as opposed to seconds.

Needless to say, achieving sub-second response times takes some doing beyond defining indexes on searchable fields. In today's blog, we'll take a look at some techniques for making your queries maximally performant in MySQL 8.

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