Download Navicat On-Prem Server

Windows |  macOS |  macOS Homebrew |  Linux |  Linux Repos |  Docker |  FreeBSD

Windows Offline Installation

Navicat On-Prem Server

macOS Offline Installation

Navicat On-Prem Server

macOS Online Installation

Install on macOS with Homebrew

Linux Offline Installation

Navicat On-Prem Server

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.6 or later, CentOS 6.6 or later, Oracle Linux 6.6 or later ( 64 bit )

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x or later, CentOS 7.x or later, Oracle Linux 7.x or later ( 64 bit )

openSUSE 42.x or later, SuSE Linux Enterprise 12 or later ( 64 bit )

Docker Installation

Install on Docker container

FreeBSD Offline Installation

Navicat On-Prem Server

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