Navicat Blog

Dec 4, 2018 by Robert Gravelle

Logging is about recording what happened in your databases. Just as some people might keep a personal journal to write down what happens in their daily lives, a database log keeps track of things like logins and transactions. More importantly, an effective log should include entries about access control and input validation failures. Is it any wonder then that the only MySQL log that is enabled by default is the error log (at least on Windows)?

Last week's blog provided an overview of the different log types on MySQL, highlighted the most important of these - namely, the error, general, binary, and slow logs - and covered the first two of these. Today we'll be taking a look at the binary log in more detail. That will leave the slow log for Part 3.

Nov 27, 2018 by Robert Gravelle

In software applications, log files keep a record of what actions were performed in the system and perhaps who performed them. Should something unexpected occur, whether it be a security breach, system crash, or just sluggish performance, the log file(s) can be an administrator's best friend. As it happens, MySQL has several different log files that can help you find out what's going on inside the MySQL server. Today's blog is a primer on MySQL logging - a topic that we'll be referencing later on when we talk about monitoring in Navicat Monitor for MySQL/MariaDB.

Nov 20, 2018 by Robert Gravelle

Navicat Monitor for MySQL/MariaDB is an agentless remote server monitoring tool that is packed with features to make monitoring your database (DB) instances as effective and easy as possible. Moreover, its server-based architecture makes it accessible from anywhere via a web browser, thus providing you unhampered access to easily and seamlessly track your servers from anywhere in the world, at any time of day or night.

Once you have finished installing Navicat Monitor and have logged in, you're ready to create the instances you want to monitor. In today's blog, we'll learn how to configure a DB instance for monitoring.

Nov 13, 2018 by Robert Gravelle

MongoDB employs a serialization format called "BSON" to store documents. A combination of the words "Binary" and "JSON" (JavaScript Object Notation), you can think of BSON as a binary representation of JSON documents. Unfortunately, the BSON serialization format has a size limitation of 16 MB. While that leaves plenty of headroom for most data types, for some large binary formats, MongoDB employs a separate specification called GridFS for storing and retrieving files.

In today's blog, we'll be taking a look at how Navicat for MongoDB implements the GridFS spec to store large files.

Nov 6, 2018 by Robert Gravelle

The Navicat team is proud to announce the launch of Navicat Monitor 1.8. This minor update adds a couple of exciting features:

  • The dashboard adds a compact view.
  • Support for the Slack collaboration hub, so now you can get notifications via Slack whenever a warning or critical condition occurs in your infrastructure.

Today's blog examines both features and describes how to download the new version.

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